Extract email, phone number and other text for free

Extract email, phone number and other text for free

There are many times in our day-to-day task we get some annoying work where the manual effort is intense.  One of task which we have seen is extracting phone number, email address of any other data from a combined text or a string. 

Currently we have many tools available in the market to do it task, however it has a very high premium and also does not offer a pay and use feature.  We need to buy a license for a month of add our credit care details to have a 15-day free version.    So, we decided to build a tool which can do the task pretty decently without any login or asking for credit card details.  

What you need to copy and paste the string or the unstructured text and then specify the words or text before email address or phone number along with any other specific text which you like to extract and the script will do the rest.  We know this many not be perfect, however you can give a try and if it can simply any annoying task then we are happy.

Data Extractor Tool

Email, Phone and Other Data Extractor

Email Phone Number Other Text