Accept Challenges to Reduce Carbon Footprint
Are you getting worried about the landslide in Wayanad? or are you getting upset with all the climate changes happening and complain about too cold and too hot in the places you live, then we give you a way to reduce this impact. Do you want to be the person who want to contribute towards reducing carbon footprint? They follow on
Every day in our life we have options to reduce carbon footprint, however most of the time we may not be aware of it or the way it's affecting our beautiful earth. Remember this is only place where we can live as of now, until and unless someone find a new planet. So, this is not a choice, but a must to be done NOW.
Enough of reading, on a daily basis we provide challenges which you can take and know how much you save CO2 in accepting and doing the challenge. Now you may ask or think, how will we track it. Again, whom are you doing this for? is it for us or for you or your next generation. You don't need any proof or any submission because you are doing it for yourself.