Auto Prescription Builder with inbuilt Reminders

Auto Prescription Builder useful for elderly parents or pharmacist with auto reminders

Auto Prescription Builder with inbuilt Reminders

Reading the prescription from the doctor is like solving the puzzle and that why we look upon pharmacist to decode and provide us with a clear instruction. The challenge with the approach is that they write on the cover of the medicine, and they may be misplaced as like doctor medical prescription.  

Also, if you have elders at home, it makes it difficult to organize the medicine as per the time and also make the have the medicine.  So how about a tool where you can enter all the medicine and then add all the attributes like dosage, no of days, when should you have it at what time and also a remark if any.

This can be used by the Pharmacist or by anyone who wants to organise the medicine prescription and then take a printout and paste the same. We also show the start date and the end date to make sure we don't miss the course prescribed by the doctor

Auto Prescription Generator - (C)

Prescription Generator (C)



Auto Prescription Builder useful for elderly parents or even for pharmacist