Measure - quick, everyday measurements Apps

Lets look at a useful phone app called Measure - quick, everyday measurements. This app has been released by Google LLC Tools. The app description in Google Play read as, Measure helps you with quick, everyday measurements around the house or office — similar to a tape measure. With the Measure app, you can:

  • Measure the length and height of objects in the real world ​like​ the size of a rug, the width of a cabinet, or the height of a table
  • Switch between imperial and metric units
  • Save photos of your measurements for later

Move your phone around the space to find flat surfaces such as tabletops or the floor. Then drag a length tool or height tool into the scene, and adjust it to the right size. Tap the camera icon to snap a photo for later, or tap the trash icon to start a new measurement.

Measurements taken with this app are estimates. 

Measure - quick, everyday measurements has been installed between 100,000+ times by users at the time of this review and has an average rating of 3.4 in Google apps store.

Measure - quick, everyday measurements app size Varies with device and can be installed on any Android device running version Varies with device.

Apps Name
Measure - quick, everyday measurements
Apps Developed
Google LLC Tools
Varies with device
Apps Size
Varies with device
Varies with device
Average Rating
Apps Last Updated On
Reviewed on
Content Rating
Rated for 3+

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